Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer bliss, allergy amiss

I’ve been a bit busy these last few days doing… nothing really. It’s amazing how a person can let an entire day go by without doing anything productive. I had two days off last week and decided to watch TV, relax in the sun, walk Gizmo, tidy up and clean (a little, no let me rephrase: too little). Then I got an awful allergy (probably because of all the tidying and cleaning), which stubbornly keeps haunting me… I spend my days sneezing, wheezing, coughing and drying my puffy, watery eyes.

On Friday Andre’ and I decided to go to Paradise Bay, my absolute favourite: a tiny beach up north with breathtaking views and crystal-clear water (which, at 20°C, was still too cold for my liking). Last year my first trip to the beach was in March, but this year summer decided to keep us waiting… to explode with a bang: 32°C with humidity levels that make even the sleekest hair frizz.

On Sunday we went to the Earth and Garden festival, a great initiative to promote a cleaner environment through recycling and care for nature. The lighting, music, stalls and art exhibitions created a magical atmosphere, which was only disrupted by the – how shall I put this? – somewhat “alternative” smells, which were everything but family-friendly and welcoming.

This is how summer starts in Malta: swimming, relaxing and lots of festivals and village “festas”. I’m working on my tan and dreaming of my first “real” swim of 2009… maybe this weekend? Fingers crossed.

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