Sunday, May 17, 2009

Translation @ home

My job can be summarised in two words, one of which is a personal pronoun, so it doesn’t really contribute to the job description: I translate. People often ask me what that entails, apart from the obvious, literal meaning of the word. Well, I’m a communication expert. I ensure marketing material becomes accessible to different cultures, I contribute to EU campaigns, I inform the press of new products and events in their native language, I correct managers’ often disappointing linguistic masterpieces... And I enjoy it!

My description is often met with incredulity, because, let’s face it, it’s not the most adventurous of jobs. But it is challenging. And mentally exhausting, trust me.

Andre’ and I often argue because he thinks translating can’t be all that hard. After all, I don’t have meetings with ministers, I don’t need to attend conferences and business breakfasts (and enjoy the complimentary catering!), I am never asked to write lengthy reports on the state of the economy and most importantly, I don’t work in an overcrowded office.

True. But I work from home, for God's sake! All alone. With no supervision. Without my incredible time management skills and discipline, I’d be lazying around all day. Instead, I start working an hour early to go through my translations and correct anything that doesn’t sound or look right and occasionally I even work at weekends, just to give it my all.

Languages are my big passion. I adore communication in all its forms. So working on my own is quite a feat: no colleagues to have a chat with, no coffee breaks in the staff room… And still, I think this was the best career move ever. Simply because I enjoy it. And that’s what counts at the end of the day.

This short post is just a little reminder for all of us: it doesn’t matter what you do or where you do it, as long as you enjoy it. Criticising or questioning others’ career choices is pointless, because everyone has different goals and ambitions. You should always follow your dream and showcase your talents.... Wherever it suits you best.

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